Public Realm & Placemaking

Public Realm

Our objective is to provide a warm welcome to all through the adoption of a 'Share with Care' approach and the provision of hard and soft public realm at a variety of scales and settings.

Sustainable Infrastructure

Our objective is to invest in infrastructure in a way that not only limits environmental impact, but also seeks to provide additional benefits to people, property and place.

Cultural Placemaking

Our objective is to elevate cultural ambition through the establishment of strong cultural partnerships and our approach to cultural programming, public art and associated infrastructure. 

  • We are committed to ensuring that the 21 acres of public realm at Wembley Park embody the concept of open and democratic access.
  • We employ a team of Estate Protection Officers (EPOs), whose role it is to ensure that everybody can enjoy the public realm in a safe and secure manner.
  • Event days attract large crowds to Wembley Park, we have separate rules in place on event days to ensure the safety of all our residents and visitors.
  • Under a new Special Police Services Agreement with the Mayor's Office for Policing and Crime (MOPAC), we have invested in additional police resource to be deployed across the neighbourhood as of January 2021, for an initial period of three years.

Collaborative Design

  • We work with a wide range of stakeholders to obtain their views and input into the design of our public realm, creating spaces that cater to a wide range of needs.
  • The Apprenticeship in City Design was created as a continuation of the themes our team explored with the Blueprint Collective, born out of a collaborative project with Brent during their tenure as London Borough of Culture and London School of Economics. The apprenticeship explored ways to engage young voices in the planning and design of the built environment by testing new forms of participation aimed at future city makers. 

It is right that young people have a say in the plans and decisions about where they live and I am delighted that the London Borough of Culture has given a voice to Brent's young people. This is an excellent example of how communities and authorities can work together to shape their local area. Justine Simons OBE, London's Deputy Mayor for Culture & The Creative Industries

2021 ESG Report: Public Realm & Placemaking



Sustainable Infrastructure

  • In 2007, Wembley Park was the first UK installation of a vacuum waste system for the collection of refuse and recycling at scale.
  • The benefits of investing in such an innovative solution for the estate is that using a network of over 4,000 meters of underground pipes, we have removed the need for bins, bin stores and bin lorries within the estate.
  • The system has also saved a significant amount of ground level space equating to 237 car parking spaces, 1,116 traditional wheelie bins or 184 shipping containers.


Cultural Placemaking

  • The Wembley Park Cultural Placemaking Strategy established five placemaking principles that define the 'Cultural DNA' of the estate.
  • 1. New London Living, 2. Communities, 3. Sport & Play, 4. Education, Training & Employment and 5. Performance
  • Recent initiatives include our bid support of Brent London Borough of Culture, the opening of the Troubadour Wembley Park Theatre, the Getty Images Gallery and in 2019 we announced that the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra are to move their headquarters to Wembley Park.



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