Our objective is to operate our business in an honest, transparent and ethical manner, protecting company assets and working in the best interests of all our stakeholders.
Good governance ensures that the decisions we make are the right ones for the business and our stakeholders.
We adopt best-practice approaches to governance issues, irrespective of requirements and regulation, because we believe it makes us stronger as a business, more attractive to our employees, and facilitates better relationships with our supply chain and local communities.
Memberships, partnerships and affiliations
Quintain holds corporate memberships or affiliations with the following:

British Property Federation (BPF)
New London Architecture (NLA)
UK Apartment Association (UKAA)
Urban Land Institute (ULI)
The British Council for Offices
UK Green Building Council (UKGBC)
Sustainability Steering Group (SSG)
It is the role of the SSG to identify the sustainability issues that are material to the business, set objectives against those issues and recommend appropriate courses of action to deliver against those objectives to the operational board.
In 2020, the SSG revitalised the company's sustainability strategy and set clear objectives across key issues identified in relation to our three sustainability pillars: People, Place and Property.
The committee draws on expertise from across the business, bringing a range of perspectives and experiences relevant to our objectives.
Individuals are invited to join the committee based firstly on the individual's expertise in one of more of Quintain's strategic objectives for ESG, secondly their ability to influence and effect change and lastly their proficiency to practically implement policies and assist with data gathering. Overseen by a keen sense of governance, communications and reporting.