The Wembley Park Community Fund has awarded nine local organisations grants in its fourth round of funding

The Wembley Park Community Fund has awarded nine local organisations grants in its fourth round of funding

25 Jan 2021

• The Fund is led by Quintain in partnership with The London Community Foundation, London Borough of Brent and key Wembley Park contractors John Sisk & Son, McLaren, Wates and McAleer & Rushe.
• The Fund delivers grants to community sector organisations of between £5,000 and £10,000
• In 2020 the Fund was aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals to deliver projects in priority areas of arts & culture, sport, reducing anti-social behaviour, tackling violent crime, and supporting vulnerable adults.

Quintain and The London Community Foundation are today, Monday 25th January announcing that nine local organisations have been awarded grants from 2020’s Fund, the fourth year of the scheme which has so far provided £305,067 to 34 projects across Brent.

Following the toughest of years, young people and children in the borough stand to benefit from funding provided to a number of organisations, from music and theatre to learning about robotics and coding. Other initiatives include intergenerational allotment gardening sessions, and the creation of a family art project at Wembley Central during school holidays.

Originally launched in 2017 with the ambition of giving £150,000 over three years, the Fund has grown and was extended for a further year in 2020. When complete a total of £388,513 will have funded 43 projects in the local area.

Whilst the Fund will now come to an end, Quintain and its contractor partners are committed to ongoing support of community organisations that make a difference to the lives of residents in Brent.

In December 2020, Quintain arranged for the Brent Foodbank by the Trussell Trust to move in to a Wembley Park community building (pictured above). Another foodbank, the Sufra North West Foodbank and Kitchen on the St Raphael’s Estate was an original recipient of a grant from the Fund in 2017 and is one of the success stories of the past four years of the Fund. It has grown to be an established and important community organisation that Quintain and its partners will continue to support on an ongoing basis. Over Christmas, in recognition of their crucial work supporting communities throughout the pandemic, Quintain has additionally made donations to the Sufra foodbank and Rumi’s Kitchen, a foodbank in South Kilburn.

James Saunders, Chief Executive Officer of Quintain, the developer behind Wembley Park said:

“Community organisations have worked harder than ever over the past year supporting local people through the pandemic. These exceptional organisations have provided a huge range of activities and classes planned to support Brent residents through sport, art and culture. The success of the Wembley Park Community Fund led to its extension to offer a fourth year of funding in 2020. Our intention is to build on this success by continuing to support community organisations that make a real difference to the lives of local people.”

Councillor Muhammed Butt, Leader, Brent London Borough Council, said:

“It is great to see Quintain and its partners once again supporting these crucial community organisations that will provide education, activity and support for those who need it most across our borough. The Fund has been a great success over the past three years from establishing the Hilltop Circle football clubs to this years’ Fund dedicated to cultural organisations celebrating Brent London Borough of Culture 2020.”

Nabil Al-Kinani, Assistant Project Manager at Quintain, said:
“Amidst a year filled with trials and tribulations, community sector organisations have been nothing but resilient – consistently meeting the social needs of the borough and working with individuals who fall through the gaps. Quintain is committed to sustainable placemaking, recognising and supporting local stakeholders wherever possible with support from our business partners.”

The nine organisations that successfully applied for grants for funding in 2020 are:
• Phoenix Rising: A youth music group
• Musicus CIC: A music project at The Yellow, Wembley Park
• Track Academy: A sports programme for young women
• Global Skills Centre: A robotics and coding educational programme for children
• Unique Community Charity: A Brent youth theatre programme
• Hilltop Circle: Youth sports group and coaching
• Horn Stars: Youth football group and coaching
• Daniel's Den: An intergenerational allotment gardening group
• Learning Through The Arts: A family arts project to take place in the school holidays

London Community Foundation:
For more information on the UN Sustainable Development goals please visit:


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